November 14, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Skate City: New York Announced!

The last few years have been busy as a team member of Agens Games, and we finally get to announce our new game "SKATE CITY: NEW YORK" to the world today! It's coming out on Apple Arcade on January 9th and you can pre-order it right here!

My role as 3D artist and designer has been filled with countless hours researching real world skate spots and trawling around New York City with StreetMaps. It's been a lot of fun to build such an iconic city, and I can't wait to see the response to our game. It's a major upgrade from the first game, Skate City in so many ways and it's been an honor to work with such a talented team at Agens.

Press response so far:
Apple Newsroom Press Release

(Pictures from Snowman)

Here's a little more about the game from our publisher Snowman:

Get ready to experience the latest addition to the Skate City series!
Jump into the ultimate street skating experience with Skate City: New York! Ollie over taxis, drop in on skate contests and pull off all new tricks in an expansive, endless NYC.
Skate City: New York lands exclusively on Apple Arcade on Jan 9th, 2025.

November 14, 2024Comments are off for this post.

Jack and Joe’s World REMASTERED!

Back in 2010 when the Apple iPad was released, my brother Odin and I decided to create a children's book app for it. It was a new device; nobody knew what it was for and why on earth someone would own this when you could just have a laptop! Laptops are great and all, but we saw the potential in a large screen with touch input and we wanted to create an app for it. Odin had to learn Xcode and C++, and I needed to come up with characters, a story, interaction and everything else that goes into a reasonably good children's book.

The launch of the iPad was still very recent, and we managed to pull together the app just in time to ride a lovely wave of everyone wondering what the iPad was for (lol). "But I already have a computer, why do I need this?" was the question everyone was asking, and well, it was pretty clear to us at least what this thing was good for. Entertainment. Productivity. Play.
The app was launched and we actually got some press to cover it in a few major media outlets. The feedback was mostly positive, and we were very happy with its response.

The app is now back and updated for modern devices!

Apple iOS:
Download it at the Apple App Store

Get it from Google Play here

July 26, 2018Comments are off for this post.

Bard’s Lamp™

Something's been missing in your apartment/house/cave-dwelling.
Introducing...The Bard's Lamp™

A laser cut lamp created by 26 magical pieces of wood that combine to form one shapely shape. It illuminates, it throws shadows in somewhat predictable patterns and it it is the only lamp that will improve your life tremendously*. 

I made the laser cutting template free to use under Creative Commons rights for non-commercial/personal usage. So if you have access to a local laser cutter, then you can get this lamp too!

Note*:  this is an actual lie.

The Bard's Lamp Illustrator file can be downloaded here:
[ Download link ]

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